Haitian crisis (2018–present)

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2018–2024 Haitian crisis
Tires set on fire by protesters in Hinche, February 2019
Date7 July 2018 (2018-07-07) – present
Caused by

2021 phase

Resulted in
  • Jovenel Moïse assassinated[4]
  • Ariel Henry announces he would resign[5]
Haiti Protesters
Lead figures
Death(s)187 protesters
44 police officers
2 journalists[11]

Protests began in cities throughout Haiti on 7 July 2018 in response to increased fuel prices. Over time, these protests evolved into demands for the resignation of Jovenel Moïse, the then-president of Haiti. Led by opposition politician Jean-Charles Moïse (no relation), protesters stated that their goals were to create a transitional government, provide social programs, and prosecute allegedly corrupt officials. Throughout 2019, 2020, and 2021, hundreds of thousands took part in protests calling for the government to resign.[12][13][14][15][16] On 7 February 2021, supporters of the opposition against the then-incumbent Jovenel Moïse allegedly attempted a coup d'état, leading to 23 arrests, as well as clashes between protestors and police.

On 7 July 2021, Jovenel Moïse was assassinated, allegedly by a group of 28 foreign mercenaries; three of the suspected assassins were killed and 20 arrested, while a manhunt for the other gunmen, as well as for the masterminds of the attack, remains ongoing.[4][17] On 20 July 2021, Ariel Henry assumed the office of acting prime minister.

In September 2022, further protests erupted in response to rising energy prices, and a federation of gangs created a blockade around Haiti's largest fuel depot. Combined with an outbreak of cholera and widespread acute hunger, the crisis has led to the United Nations Security Council unanimously voting to impose sanctions on criminals in the country.[18][19][20]

In March 2024, acting prime minister Ariel Henry was prevented from returning to Haiti after a trip intended to secure the help of the Kenyan police in curbing gang violence.[21] The power vacuum, along with the chaos in the streets, led to the scheduling of an emergency CARICOM meeting on 11 March.[22]

Background and origins[edit]

A Senate probe released in November 2017 concerning the period 2008–2016 (the René Préval and Michel Martelly administrations as well as the chief of staff of then-sitting President Jovenel Moïse) revealed significant corruption had been funded with Venezuelan loans through the Petrocaribe program.[23] Haitians at the time were informed of the corruption that had occurred.[24]

A new round of protests broke out in February 2021 amid a dispute over Moïse's presidential term. The protesters claimed that Moïse's term officially ended on 7 February 2021 and demanded that he step down. Moïse said that Haitian presidents have five years to serve according to the constitution and that he had one more year to serve since he only became president in February 2017. Protesters also expressed concerns about the 2021 Haitian constitutional referendum, a referendum proposed by Moïse which would reportedly scrap the ban on consecutive presidential terms and enable Moïse to run again.[25]

In 2021, Monique Clesca of the Americas Quarterly described it as "a three-year protest movement led by young people that has its roots in 2018 riots over high fuel prices and a lack of jobs and health care. They have made state corruption and President Jovenel Moïse the target of escalating protests."[25]


2018 protests[edit]

When Venezuela stopped shipping oil to Haiti in March 2018, this led to fuel shortages. With the removal of government subsidies in July, kerosene prices went up over 50 percent, with similarly steep hikes on other fossil fuels.[26] These rises in taxes on gasoline, diesel, and kerosene that went into effect on 7 July 2018 brought Haitians into the streets. Flights were canceled into and out of Haiti by U.S. airlines.[27][28] The government backed down on the tax increases, and the President accepted the resignation of the inexperienced Jack Guy Lafontant as Prime Minister on 14 July 2018, replaced one month later by Jean-Henry Céant.[29][30]

In mid-August 2018, Haitian-Canadian Gilbert Mirambeau Jr. tweeted a photo of himself blindfolded holding a cardboard sign with "Kot kòb PetwoKaribe a ?" ("Where did the PetroCaribe money go?") written on it. The hashtag petrocaribechallenge was soon circulated on social media to build foreign awareness on the issue, with the tag mainly spread among English-language accounts and having little interaction amongst Haitian users.[24][31][30] Haitian media then shared the hashtag offline, providing more circulation of the message amongst the public.[24] According to Shearon Roberts, such messaging was a call to the international community that a regime change effort was underway.[24]

Anger over the revelations and accusations from the continuing investigation simmered through social media into the autumn and boiled over again, first in October 2018, with tense scenes and violence in Les Cayes, in Jacmel, and in Saint-Marc.[32] A week of protests in November 2018 led to 10 deaths, including several killed when a government car "lost a wheel and plowed into a crowd."[33]

2019 protests[edit]


Significant protests broke out again in February 2019 following a report from the court investigating the Petrocaribe Senate probe.[10][34][35] Economic problems and the increased cost of living helped fuel the protests.[35]

On 7 February, protesters targeted and damaged wealthy Haitians' luxury vehicles.[35] The following day, the mayors of Petion-ville and Port-au-Prince announced the cancellation of pre-Haitian Carnival events.[35] Two days later protestors clashed with police, with demonstrators throwing stones at the home of President Moïse, after one of his allies' security personnel struck a woman's car and began to beat her.[36] On 12 February, protesters burned down a popular market, looted stores and assisted with a prison break in Aquin that freed all of the facility's prisoners.[34][37] In Port-au-Prince, the building housing the Italian and Peruvian consulates was looted by protesters.[38][39]

President Moïse addressed the country on 14 February, saying he would not step down and "give the country up to armed gangs and drug traffickers."[40] During a funeral procession on 22 February, Haitian police fired tear gas at a crowd of about 200 people carrying the casket of a man killed during protests days earlier.[41] Opposition leader Schiller Louidor called for future protests, though the overall size of protests began to subside that day.[41]


Three days after the lower house voted a censure motion against Prime Minister Jean-Henry Céant's government on 18 March 2019,[42] President Moïse replaced Céant with Jean-Michel Lapin.[43] As of mid-November 2019, this change had not been ratified by the Haitian Parliament. Lacking a government because of the impasse between the President and the Parliament, Haiti has had hundreds of millions in international aid—for which having a sitting government was a prerequisite—suspended.[44]


During escalating protests on 10 June, journalist Rospide Petion was shot and killed in a company car on his way home from Radio Sans Fin in Port-au-Prince, where he had criticized the government on air before leaving the station.[45][46]


On 4 October, thousands protested across Haiti. In Port-au-Prince, the mayor joined the protestors in calling for President Moïse to step down. Two days earlier, the opposition sent a letter by delegation to the UN Secretary General denouncing the sitting President's role in the Petrocaribe affair, and the government's role in a massacre in La Saline, a neighborhood in Port-au-Prince.[47][48] Lyonel Trouillot wrote in L'Humanité that "[w]ithout dipping into conspiracy theory, there is something worrying about the international community's silence about the Haitian situation."[49][50]

On 11 October, Néhémie Joseph, a second radio journalist critical of the government, was found dead in the trunk of his car in Mirebalais.[51][52] On 22 October, thousands of Catholics demonstrated in the capital. Archbishop Max Leroy Mésidor asked Haitian leaders to heed the people who "cannot go on any longer. We are fed up." Energy crises, road blockages, and widespread unrest have led to massive drops in tourism, causing the closure of hotels in Petion-ville, where the Best Western Premier closed permanently,[53] and in Cap-Haïtien, where Mont Joli was closed.[54] Two people were killed in protests in Port-au-Prince on 27 October. Masked police officers were themselves out on the streets demonstrating that day because of low salaries and lack of health insurance.[55]

Although the Haitian constitution calls for legislative elections in October, none were held in October 2019.[44] The United Nations announced they had counted 42 deaths and 86 injuries since mid-September.[56]


U.S. Ambassador to the UN Kelly Craft and President Jovenel Moïse met in November 2019 about ways to implement a consensual resolution of Haiti's political crisis

Peyi lok ("country lockdown")[53] is how the situation was described in Haitian Creole in November 2019 after two and a half months with schools, courts, businesses, public services, and economic production largely shut down.[57][53]


Although parents and school directors still felt uneasy amidst barricades and gunfire, schools across the country began to reopen in December.[58][59]

The U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (David Hale) visited Haiti on 6 December, following up on U.S. Ambassador to the UN Kelly Craft's November visit.[60] During his visit, he met with the administration and with leaders from several opposing political parties, some of whom, including Fanmi Lavalas and Fusion-Mache Kontre, refused any collaboration with President Moïse.[61] On 10 December, the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee began hearings on the situation in Haiti, which Frederica Wilson had pushed for. At the hearing, Maxine Waters was sharply critical of U.S. support for President Moïse. Neither the State Department nor USAID was present at the hearings.[11]

2020 protests[edit]

In September and October 2020, more protests occurred throughout the country. The protesters criticized the government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Haiti, alleging it did not provide enough to those who lost their jobs because of the virus.[62]

Police held protests demanding better pay and working conditions. The police exchanged fire with Haitian soldiers outside the National Palace where police were protesting working conditions in February. In early 2020, a United Nations report said the Haitian police was corrupt, and failing to protect the population.[62]

2021 protests[edit]


On 14 January, hundreds demonstrated in Port-au-Prince, Cap-Haïtien, Jacmel, Saint-Marc, and Gonaïves against President Moïse. Most of the demonstrations were peaceful, but some violence was reported.[63] On 20 January, hundreds again demonstrated in Port-au-Prince and Cap-Haitien to protest against President Moïse. One woman was shot by rubber bullets, and several others were wounded during protests.[64] On 28 January, journalists, lawmakers, police officers, retirees, former police officers, and human rights judges led protests against human rights abuses and police brutality, violence, and repression against protesters and chanted "When they don’t get paid, we're the ones they call!"[65]


On 7 February 2021, supporters of the opposition against incumbent President Moïse allegedly attempted a coup d'état, claiming he should have stepped down five years after the end of Michel Martelly's administration on 7 Feb 2016, despite the year-long delay before he was sworn in in 2017.[66] Moïse ordered the arrest of 23 people.[67] Hundreds of people marched through the streets of Port-au-Prince on 9 February, chanting "Down with kidnapping! Down with dictatorship!" They bolstered opposition demands for President Moïse to resign. The police fired tear gas and shot in the air in an attempt to disperse protesters, who pelted the security officials with rocks.[67] On 8–9 February, clashes with protesters and security forces occurred in Port-au-Prince, in which protesters threw stones and chanted "Out with dictators" while the riot police fired tear gas at the demonstrators who were protesting killings, disputed term limits.[68]

Protesters calling for President Moïse to step down clashed with police in the capital, Port-au-Prince, on 7 February. The police fired tear gas to disperse the demonstrators.[69] According to the opposition, Moïse's term as president was supposed to end on 7 February 2021,[34] but Moïse stated that his term doesn't end until 2022.[70] On 10 February, the police used tear gas and shot into the air to disperse a rock-throwing crowd of protesters. Twenty-three people were arrested and two journalists were injured during the incident. Protesters shouted "We are back to dictatorship! Down with Moïse! Down with Sison", a reference to the U.S. Ambassador Michele J. Sison, who supports Moïse.[71] On 15 February, tens of thousands of protesters rallied again in Port-au-Prince, accusing the government of trying to establish a new dictatorship and denouncing international support for President Moïse and waves the national flag. Chants like "Down with the dictatorship" were chanted during mass protests.[72]

On 21 February, the opposition movement launched large protests in Jacmel and Port-au-Prince against President Moïse, and fought with the security forces. It is the third general strike, after the nationwide strike on 2 February and 8 February.[73] On 25 February, at least 25 were dead and many injured during a prison break at Croix-des-Bouquets Civil Prison, during which gang leader Arnel Joseph escaped.[74][75] Joseph was later found and killed in L'Estère.[76][77] On 28 February, protesters took to the streets targeting offices and throwing stones at the police, despite a bloody crackdown on the widespread street opposition demonstrations. "We are back to dictatorship! Down with Moïse!" was chanted during protests on 28 February.[78]


Thousands of Haitians filled the streets of the capital, Port-au-Prince, the manifestations, demonstrations and remonstrances were peaceful, doctors and handicapped lawyers participated in the protest on 7 and 9 March, under the slogan #FreeOurCountry. The protesters called for President Moïse, Prime Minister Joseph Jouthe to resign and called for a crackdown on kidnappers.[79] The hashtag FreeHaiti led opposition demonstrations across Haiti on 15 March, to protest the killing of four police officers in a village in Port-au-Prince, calling for the government to resign and demanded a crackdown on gang-led violence on innocent civilians. Citizens also voiced their opposition to corruption and armed gangs controlling cities.[80] On 17 March, thousands waved tree branches and flags in protests against kidnapping and President Moïse. Tens of thousands of protesters and police officers protested across the capital and held a Haitian flag in protest of corruption and police arrests. Trainee police officers joined in the jail break while citizens took to the street for a fifth day to block roads with vehicles, debris and burning tires, also vandalizing a car dealership.[81]

In the capital, thousands of people, some of whom carried the national flag, also chanted slogans against the UN representative in Haiti, whom they accused of downplaying the scale of the demonstrations. The pro-democracy protest on 1 March was non-violent and was attended by tens of thousands of protesters.[82] Thousands of Haitians rallied in multiple cities and the capital Port-au-Prince protesters demanded respect for the current constitution and yelled "Down with dictatorship" as militants burned tires and tore down recently mounted billboards promoting the upcoming constitutional referendum scheduled for 27 June ahead of legislative, local and presidential elections scheduled for the fall.[83]


In April, protesters circled the Presidential palace seven times drawing Vodou images in chalk on the ground in an effort to symbolically free themselves from the scourge of gang kidnappings. The protest was met by police firing tear gas.[84]

July: Assassination of Jovenel Moïse[edit]

On 7 July 2021, Moïse was assassinated, allegedly by a group of 28 foreign mercenaries. Later that day, USGPN (L'Unité de Sécurité Générale du Palais National, or The General Security Unit of the National Palace) killed three of the suspected assassins and arrested 20 others.[4][17] On 20 July, Ariel Henry assumed the office of prime minister.

2022 crisis[edit]

In April–May 2022, clashes between the rival gangs, 400 Mewozo and Chen Mechan, occurred in the Plain of the Cul-de-Sac area.[85]

In July 2022, an outbreak of gang violence occurred in the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince, leaving 89 people dead and over 74 injured.[86]

In September 2022, protests erupted, sparked by a governmental decision to eliminate fuel subsidies which caused prices to double overnight.[87][88][89] Jimmy (Barbecue) Chérizier, the leader of the G9 Family and Allies gang alliance organized a blockade of the country's largest oil terminal (Varreux).[90] Protests continued even after the lifting of the blockade on 7 November.[91][92]


In 2023 the situation in Haiti continued to spiral downhill, with the last democratically elected officials leaving office, leaving Haiti without an elected government.[93] Several police killings by gangs including the killing of four police officers by the Vitel'Homme gang in Petionville and the killing of seven police officers on 25 January in Liancourt by the Savien gang lead to police launching a riot storming Prime Minister Ariel Henry's residence. The riots ended a few days later.[94] Canada announced on 6 February that they would begin surveillance flights to Haiti in order to monitor the situation in the country.[95] According to leaked American documents in late February, the Wagner Group began to explore pathways and expressed interest in intervening in Haiti.[96]

A series of battles between gangs in early March led to the deaths of 208 people, kidnapping jumped 72% from the first quarter of the previous year.[97] Doctors, lawyers, and other wealthy members of society were kidnapped and held for ransom.[98] Examples include Jean-Dickens Toussaint and Abigail Toussaint, a Haitian American couple who were kidnapped on 18 March and later released,[99] Robert Denis, the director of the TV station Canal Bleu kidnapped on 11 April,[100] and Harold Marzouka, the Vice-Consul of Saint Kitts and Nevis and CEO of Haiti Plastics, kidnapped on 15 April.[101] Many victims have been killed after their loved ones failed to pay ransom, while many in the upper class have fled the country, leading to brain drain.[98] Violence continued into April, with three police officers being killed in an ambush on 9 April by the Ti Makak gang in the Thomassin neighborhood.[102] 13 gang members were burned alive by a mob as they were being transported.[103]

On 27 July, the United States ordered its non-essential personnel to leave the country as quickly as possible. This order was given the same day an American nurse and her child were kidnapped, with 80% of the capital reportedly controlled by gangs.[104]

On 30 July, Kenya agreed to lead a multinational peace mission in the country.[104]

As of September 2023, reports indicated that approximately 80% of the Haitan capital was under the control of gangs.[105] The growing crisis has led to discussions of a potential 1,000 strong United Nations backed Kenyan-led police intervention into Haiti, which Kenya had previously offered but which Haiti was at first reluctant to accept.[106][107] On 2 October 2023, United Nations Security Council resolution 2699 was approved, authorizing a Kenya-led "multinational security support mission" to Haiti.[108] If such intervention were to occur, it would be the first time an African Union country would lead a major peacekeeping operation outside of Africa.[109] On 5 October 2023, Kenyan foreign minister Alfred Mutua was replaced by Musalia Mudavadi amid domestic controversy over the plans.[110]

2024: ousting of Ariel Henry[edit]

Starting in January 2024, after his deportation following release from a US prison,[9] former senator Guy Philippe, with the support of an armed militia gone rogue—the Brigade de sécurité des aires protégées (BSAP))[111][112]—led protests demanding the resignation of Ariel Henry.[1][2][3]

On 26 January 2024, a judge from Kenya's High Court halted the deployment of police officers to Haiti, on the grounds that the National Security Council lacks legal power to send police members (and not the military) abroad, and that Kenyan police could only be deployed overseas if there's a reciprocal agreement between Kenya and the host nation. The government said it would appeal the ruling,[113] offering to circumvent the High Court's earlier ruling. On 29 February 2024, while the Haitian Prime Minister also acting as its president was in Kenya signing the agreement, a wave of violence broke out in the country.[114] Gunfire was directed at the country's main airport and many businesses in the area, with two police stations seized,[115] Gang leader Jimmy Chérizier released a video stating that the goal of his operation was preventing Ariel Henry from returning to Haiti.[2][3] Chérizier was said to have the support of other gangs as part of a coalition named "Viv Ansanm" (Haitian Creole for "living together"); though that coalition was quick to dissolve, other gangs still launched attacks together with Chérizier's G9 gang.[116]

In March 2024, the Kenyan government announced it had signed a deal with Haiti to deploy 1,000 police officers.[117]

In early March 2024, thousands of prisoners were freed from a prison near Port-au-Prince when gangs stormed it.[118] As the security situation in Port-au-Prince deteriorated, on 3 March, the government under Minister of Economy and Finance Michel Patrick Boisvert, deputizing for Prime Minister Ariel Henry, issued a state of emergency.[119] A massive uprising also began, with the help of Haiti's largest gangs, with thousands of members. The uprising saw the attack of the Presidential Palace, the Ministry of the Interior, and the police headquarters of the western district of Haiti. The attacks were quick and coordinated, according to ABC News. Over a dozen militants were killed in the fighting.

On 4 March, armed gangs attacked the heavily fortified Toussaint Louverture International Airport, exchanging gunfire with police and the Haitian Armed Forces in an attempt to take control of the facility after rumors that Henry would return to the country,[120] fueling speculation that an alliance between rival gangs was forming to overthrow the Haitian government.[121] Other gang leaders, including Guy Philippe, reportedly will try to take over the presidency of Haiti.[122] With the Port-au-Prince airport shut down due to gang violence, on 5 March, Henry's chartered plane was prevented from landing in Santo Domingo and landed instead in San Juan, Puerto Rico.[123][22][124]

Over the next days US military airlifted its embassy personnel from the country.[125] The European Union also evacuated all diplomatic staff from Haiti.[126]

On 12 March 2024 Ariel Henry announced that he would resign and that a transitional council would select an interim Prime Minister. It is unclear whether the transitional council will also function as a government itself.[5]


Moïse government[edit]

President Moïse called for his opposition to participate in peaceful dialogue, saying that "the country's problems aren't solely political. The country’s problems are social, economic and political."[35] The national police stated that there are "malicious individuals" who had interrupted peaceful protests in the country.[127]


The opposition has been led by Jean-Charles Moïse.[12] This opposition declined offers for dialogue, demanded Moïse's resignation,[35] and organized a nationwide general strike to attempt to force him to resign from office.[37] Alongside opposition lawmakers, he called for a transitional government to replace Moïse: "If Jovenel Moïse does not want to step down from power, we are going to name an interim president in the coming days."[12][13]

Arrest of foreign mercenaries[edit]

The Port-au-Prince newspaper Le Nouvelliste reported on 18 February 2019 that a Haitian citizen and seven non-Haitians were arrested in the city. At the time of their arrest, they were carrying rifles, pistols, drones, and satellite phones in their vehicle, which did not have any license plates.[128] Haitian Foreign Minister Bocchit Edmond confirmed that among them were five Americans.[129] According to the editor of Haiti Liberté, the group included two former Navy SEALs, a former Blackwater employee, and two Serbian mercenaries living in the U.S.[130] They were tasked with protecting the former head of the National Lottery, who intended to transfer US$80 million from a PetroCaribe bank account—controlled jointly by the President, the Prime Minister, and the President of the Central Bank—to a bank account solely controlled by President Jovenel Moïse.[131]

Violence towards the press[edit]

According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, some reporters have been targeted by protesters.[127] Reuters journalist Robenson Sanon was wounded during the protests in February 2019 but believes that it was coincidental because he was caught in-between clashes.[127]

Journalist Rospide Petion was killed on his way home from the Radio Sans Fin in Port-au-Prince on 10 June 2019 by an unknown gunman. Some correspondents filming protests on 9–10 June were targeted by both police and the crowds.[45][46] On 11 October, Néhémie Joseph, another radio journalist critical of the government, was found dead in Mirebalais after complaining about receiving death threats.[51][52] Freelance journalist Vladjimir Legagneur is presumed to have been killed in March 2018 while reporting on gang activity in Grande Ravine.[132]



  •  United States: U.S. Department of State spokesperson for Western Hemisphere Affairs stated: "We support the right of all people to demand a democratic and transparent government and to hold their government leaders accountable but there is no excuse for violence. Violence leads to instability, less investment, and fewer jobs."[38] The United States prepared humanitarian assistance to ensure food security in Haiti, and called for those responsible for corruption to be held accountable.[133] The U.S. State Department urged all U.S. citizens on 30 August to leave Haiti as soon as possible due to rising violence.[134]
  • In March 2024, The US airlifted non-essential staff from its embassy and reaffirmed its support for a Kenyan police presence.[135]

Intergovernmental organizations[edit]

See also[edit]


  1. ^ a b Montoya, Angeline (7 March 2024). "En Haïti, « les gangs ont transformé leur contrôle territorial en domination sociale, économique et militaire »". Le Monde (in French). Retrieved 7 March 2024.
  2. ^ a b c Jones, Sam (4 March 2024). "Haiti declares state of emergency after thousands of dangerous inmates escape". The Guardian. Guardian News & Media. Archived from the original on 4 March 2024. Retrieved 4 March 2024.
  3. ^ a b c "Haiti gang leader threatens 'civil war' if PM does not resign". Yahoo News. 7 March 2024. Retrieved 8 March 2024.
  4. ^ a b c Gonzalez, Oriana (7 July 2021). "Police arrest "presumed assassins" of Haitian president". Axios. Archived from the original on 8 July 2021. Retrieved 20 October 2022.
  5. ^ a b "Ariel Henry: Haiti's PM says he will resign | AP News". 12 March 2024.
  6. ^ Editor (7 March 2024). "Barbados Defence Force Getting Ready For Haiti". The St Kitts Nevis Observer. Retrieved 12 March 2024. {{cite web}}: |last= has generic name (help)
  7. ^ "Benin joins Haiti's multinational support force". Caribbean News Global. 1 March 2024. Retrieved 3 March 2024.
  8. ^ "The U.S. and Canada sent armored vehicles and supplies to Haiti to help fight a gang". NPR. Associated Press. 16 October 2022. Retrieved 2 March 2024.
  9. ^ a b Ives, Kim (17 January 2024). "Responding to Guy Philippe's Call, Civil Disobedience Protests Erupt Across Haiti". Haiti Liberté. Retrieved 2 March 2024.
  10. ^ a b "Deadly protests hit Haiti capital". BBC News. 11 February 2019. Retrieved 13 February 2019.
  11. ^ a b Charles, Jacqueline; Daugherty, Alex (10 December 2019). "Congress holds first hearing on Haiti in 20 years amid political". Miami Herald.
  12. ^ a b c "Haiti: Thousands protest against corruption". Deutsche Welle. 8 February 2019. Retrieved 13 February 2019.
  13. ^ a b Lemaire, Sandra; Vilme, Matiado (12 February 2019). "Angry Haitians Demand Regime Change". Voice of America. Retrieved 13 February 2019.
  14. ^ "Haiti's Protests: Images Reflect Latest Power Struggle". Council of Foreign Relations. 3 March 2021.
  15. ^ Delaney, Rose (15 February 2021). "Dispute over Haiti presidential term triggers unrest". BBC News. Retrieved 31 July 2021.
  16. ^ "Haiti protests continue despite police crackdown". Africanews. 9 February 2021. Retrieved 10 February 2021.
  17. ^ a b Merancourt, Wildmore; Faiola, Anthony; Boburg, Shawn (9 July 2021). "Assassination of Haitian president becomes complex international web". The Washington Post. Archived from the original on 9 July 2021. Retrieved 20 October 2022.
  18. ^ Nichols, Michelle; Garcia, David Alire (21 October 2022). "U.N. unanimously passes Haiti sanctions, targets gang leader". Reuters. Retrieved 21 October 2022.
  19. ^ Kelemen, Michele (21 October 2022). "The U.N. imposes sanctions against Haiti's gang members". NPR. Retrieved 21 October 2022.
  20. ^ Falk, Pamela (21 October 2022). "World powers at U.N. unanimously adopt arms embargo, travel ban and sanctions aimed at Haiti criminal gangs". CBS News. Retrieved 21 October 2022.
  21. ^ Phillips, Tom; Taylor, Luke (10 March 2024). "Is the feared gang boss 'Barbecue' now the most powerful man in Haiti? | Haiti | The Guardian". The Guardian. Retrieved 10 March 2024.
  22. ^ a b c Wilkinson, Bert (9 March 2024). "Caribbean leaders call a emergency meeting Monday on Haiti, calling the situation there 'dire'". Washington Post. Retrieved 9 March 2024.
  23. ^ Charles, Jacqueline (15 November 2017). "Haiti owes Venezuela $2 billion – and much of it was embezzled, Senate report says". Miami Herald.
  24. ^ a b c d Waldron-Moore, Pamela (2023). Designing Knowledge Economies for Disaster Resilience. Berghahn Books. pp. 121–126.
  25. ^ a b Clesca, Monique (20 May 2021). "Haiti's Critical Weeks Ahead". Americas Quarterly. Retrieved 31 July 2021.
  26. ^ Perry, Keston K. (30 September 2019). "What is really behind the crisis in Haiti?". Al Jazeera.
  27. ^ Charles, Jacqueline (7 July 2018). "As violent protests continue over gas prices, U.S. airlines cancel all flights to Haiti Saturday". Miami Herald.
  28. ^ Danticat, Edwidge (19 October 2018). "Haitians Want to Know What the Government Has Done with Missing Oil Money". The New Yorker.
  29. ^ Charles, Jacqueline (15 July 2018). "Haiti's latest government falls after six months as lawmakers fire prime minister". Miami Herald.
  30. ^ a b Jacqueline Charles (23 August 2018). "'Where did the money go?' Haitians denounce corruption in social media campaign". Miami Herald. Retrieved 5 October 2019.
  31. ^ Délisca, Alain (8 June 2019). "Les meneurs du dossier PetroCaribe". www.balistrad.com (in French). Retrieved 5 October 2019.
  32. ^ Frantz Duval; Roberson Alphonse; Robenson Geffrard (18 October 2019). "17 octobre : des dizaines de milliers d'Haïtiens manifestent contre la corruption et pour la démission de Jovenel Moïse". Le Nouvelliste (in French).
  33. ^ Semple, Kirk (23 November 2018). "Haitians Furious at Their Government Protest in a Week of Unrest". The New York Times. It was the latest manifestation of a campaign that has flourished on social media and that focuses on allegations that Haiti's government misappropriated billions of dollars earmarked for reconstruction after a devastating earthquake in 2010.
  34. ^ a b c "Inmates escape from Haiti prison". BBC News. 12 February 2019. Retrieved 13 February 2019.
  35. ^ a b c d e f Jacqueline Charles (8 February 2019). "As protests and deaths escalate in Haiti, mayors cancel pre-Carnival parties". The Miami Herald. Retrieved 13 February 2019.
  36. ^ "Protesters Stone Haitian President's Home, Battle Police". Voice of America. 9 February 2019. Retrieved 13 February 2019.
  37. ^ a b Charles, Jacqueline (13 February 2019). "Haiti president recalls top envoy amid ongoing violent protests, calls for resignation". The Miami Herald. Retrieved 13 February 2019.
  38. ^ a b Lemaire, Sandra (12 February 2019). "US Deplores Haiti Violence". Voice of America. Retrieved 13 February 2019.
  39. ^ "Haiti – FLASH : 6th day of paralysis, the country sinks into chaos..." Haiti Libre. 13 February 2019. Retrieved 17 February 2019.
  40. ^ Sanon, Robenson (15 February 2019). "Haiti's president defies violent protests, will not step down". Reuters. Retrieved 15 February 2019.
  41. ^ a b Esposito, Anthony (23 February 2019). "Haiti police fire rubber pellets at mourners as protests resume". Reuters. Retrieved 26 February 2019.
  42. ^ "Haitian lawmakers censure prime minister". EFE. 18 March 2019. Archived from the original on 10 December 2019.
  43. ^ "En Haïti, Jean-Michel Lapin devient Premier ministre par intérim". France 24 (in French). 22 March 2019.
  44. ^ a b Marsh, Sarah; Paultre, Andre (17 November 2019). "Haiti's president warns of humanitarian crisis, calls for support". The Globe and Mail.
  45. ^ a b "Journalist shot to death in Haiti amid escalating attacks". CBC. Associated Press. 11 June 2019. Retrieved 22 June 2019.
  46. ^ a b "Radio Sans Fin host Pétion Rospide killed in Port-au-Prince, Haiti". Committee to Protect Journalists. 13 June 2019. Retrieved 23 June 2019.
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