Powerpoint Animation
PowerPoint is a popular presentation tool not only for face to face training but also for e-learning. It is easy to use, widely available and allows for engaging e-learning through the use of build effects and animations.

What are Build Effects?
Build effects allow slides full of content to be presented in small chunks. For example, a slide of bullet points can be presented to learners one bullet point at a time. As learners advance the presentation the next bullet point is revealed. Build effects give trainers control over the amount of information presented at once, as well as the speed at which they read the information.
Powerpoint Animations are often used to highlight important information by making it shrink or grow or enter at different times, for example. Animations are also useful for presenting photos or graphics in a sequence. The use of animations makes content appealing and breaks up text-heavy slides.
Creating a presentation containing build effects and animations is simple, but it can be time-consuming. The last thing a trainer might expect is that all their hard work will be essentially erased when the PowerPoint is uploaded to the learning management system (LMS). Most online training platforms cannot support PowerPoint build effects or animations and will, therefore, flatten the PowerPoint. This means that the PowerPoint will be stripped of all the build effects and animations. Learners will see all of the slide text available the moment they advance to a slide. Any graphics that may be animated to enter into the slide on certain cues will appear all at once too. Objects that may have been animated to shrink and grow or fade, to name a couple of effects, will appear static.
Although it may not seem like a big deal that your slides are flattened by your LMS, adult learning theories dictate that learners that are in control of their learning are more successful. Additionally, chunking content has been shown to be an effective way to mitigate information overload. Learners that are presented with too much information at once often become overwhelmed, skip over content, and do not retain the information.
Using Trakstar Learn’s PowerPoint Conversion
Using Learn’s PowerPoint conversion tool, trainers will never have to worry that their slides will be flattened. Learn’s PowerPoint conversion tool supports animation and builds effects so that courses always appear to learners the way they were designed. Learners will have control over how they are presented the content, and trainers will too.
Another great benefit of Learn’s PowerPoint conversion tool is that the content is available on mobile devices. Company partners and internal trainers have the flexibility to present content from any device with the same fidelity to the original presentation as if it were presented on a computer. One of the main benefits of e-learning is the ability to access content anytime, anywhere. Using an LMS that flattens your PowerPoint, or only shows it correctly on a desktop, hampers this benefit. Increasingly, organizations are moving to m-learning, or mobile learning, because of the ability to bring training to large audiences using low-cost solutions, like tablets, to deliver content. It is necessary that the LMS an organization chooses does not impede on this trend by rendering an engaging PowerPoint flat.
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